The flat floor lay-out of the AS 350 cabin as well as the large sliding doors allow for ease of loading. High skid gear allows the pilot to place the helicopter on unprepared areas which is ideal for soil sampling operations. Luggage bays can accommodate up to 300 kg, leaving the cabin open for personnel. Seats can be installed or removed within minutes to change from cargo to Passenger configuration. |
In areas where limited road access, steep terrain or forest environments restrict vehicle movement, the helicopter shows its full potential. Exploration drill rigs which are slightly modified to ease assembly and disassembly are relocated between drill site positions with minimum delay. Trained ground personnel have constant communication with the pilot and acts as a link to other personnel on the ground. Relocating drill rigs in this way has minimal impact on the environment compared to using earth moving equipment. A typical rig, for example a Longyear 38 can be moved within 2-3 hours, including rods, fuel and auxiliary equipment. Drill support then continues whereby core samples, fuel and personnel are moved as required. Every external load operation is unique and our pilots and crew have extensive experience and training to assess your situation and use specific techniques to accomplish the mission in the safest and most efficient manner. |
We have extensive experience in the mass capture and darting of all game species by using smaller type helicopters such as the Robinson R44. We specialise in wildlife relocation via aerial slinging. This method provides minimum stress on the animal and positions the game directly into holding pens, reducing time and manpower considerably. |
Helicopters by the nature of what they do, can reach the places not accessible by land vehicle or foot, and when it comes to Fire Suppression the aerial advantage can make the difference. The helicopter is also a valuable tool in getting critical information on fires from the air. We are equipped to supply fire fighting services by means of water dropping by Bambi Bucket™. The AS350 is also well suited for placing the fire teams, due to its high seating capacity and good ground clearance for landing at unprepared landing zones. We provided Fire and Rescue services over a period of 3 years for the Overberg District Municipality. For this work the helicopter was equipped with emergency floatation gear to allow over water rescue operations. |
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